
Property Management

#Did you know?

40% of working hours are wasted searching for information

And 70% of customers expect an omnichannel and personalised experience


In today’s pandemic environment, and with the legal constraints your business faces, efficiently processing information and controlling the flow of documents in and out of your business is critical.

*Source: Gartner and Source: Boston Consulting Group

Learn more

Leases, rental receipts, insurance and financing files,
Documents related to the construction and rehabilitation process,
Requests for assistance and management of complaints, Invoices…


Currently you manage your communication through your business software and/or third party solution, but are you fully satisfied with these solutions?

Increasingly solicited and subject to their own constraints, your partners, customers and employees expect an adapted and seamless service:

– Personalised information

– At the right time

– On the right medium

– For the right use…


With its Business Document,
Inetum offers to help you manage your business content:

– Manage all your incoming and outgoing communications with your tenants, employees and suppliers in a cross-functional manner.

– Reduce time-to-market by processing and sending your documents and contracts in real time

– Reduce your management and IT costs





– Automate the administrative tasks of your employees so that they can refocus
on their core business and improve their productivity.

– Simplify the maintenance of your document templates, for example, depending on the type of property leased or the nature of the tenant, simply modify the associated legal clauses.

– Dematerialise all your content from end to end

– Distribute your documents in multi-channel mode: sms, customer web portal, email, post





– Optimise the quality of the relationship and the image of your company with all internal and external stakeholders.

– Improve the satisfaction of your employees and suppliers and increase your tenants’ loyalty